When Water Drops Collide
О проекте
Категория: Мои фотографии
Дата: 02.09.2013
Просмотров: 418
Комментарии: 0
Автор: Guru
Размеры: 640x427px/75.4Kb
...you get crystal mushrooms and water umbrellas.

For those of you who inquired, I use an electric water valve to make these pictures. Using an electronic circuit, I pulse the valve open twice, with a small time delay (about 90 milliseconds) between the two pulses. The first resulting drop hits the water in a dish below, shooting a water drop upward. The second drop collides with the first drop a short distance above the dish. I use an optical sensor to trigger the shutter and flash to capture the moment. The dripping repeats every few seconds and I capture about 30 to 40 pictures this way automatically.

I will shamelessly pose in the background while the shutter fires in order to make the background look all the more "fascinating." ;-P
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